Friday, May 10, 2013

Tomorrow I’ll say “NO” to my diet!

Do you constantly crave chocolate cake, pork ribs, or a bacon hamburger? Well, let me tell you that you can eat that and more for a day! I was searching for recipes on the web and found out that tomorrow is the Eat What You Want Day! Isn’t it amazing? For a day you can have all those treats and meals that you are so afraid to eat for being unhealthy or high in calorie foods.

If you are on a diet, this is the day in which you should say “no” to salads, soups and low-fat foods. However, the goal is not to eat a lot of everything, but to really enjoy those foods that otherwise you cannot eat on a regular day. 

If you do not have a specific treat you want to try, but rather you are open to choices, let me share with you my sweet, greasy, and tasteful meal plan for tomorrow:

Pancakes (Breakfast)

Start your day like a champ by eating sweet and fluffy pancakes! Use toppings like whipped cream, chocolate chips, Nutella, or your favorite jam so your pancakes taste like a piece of heaven. Learn how to make them from scratch here:

Quiche Lorraine (Brunch)

It cannot get any creamier! This tasteful quiche is full of bacon and gruyere cheese; you’ll love it! You can eat it for brunch. I found this great video that explains, step-by-step, how to prepare a delicious quiche Lorraine:

Cheese & Broccoli Penne (Lunch)

Very cheesy and delicious! Who doesn’t like pasta, right? Prepare this dish for lunch and you’ll have your stomach full in minutes! This link includes the list of ingredients and directions to prepare it:

Bacon Cheese Burger (Dinner)

You cannot end this amazing Eat What You Want day without having a burger. Try this greasy and tasteful ground beef burger full of bacon and cheddar cheese that you won’t want to stop eating! Click on this link to follow the instructions: 

Grill Chocolate Cake (Dessert)

There’s nothing sweeter than chocolate! This delicious Romano’s Macaroni cake is the “cherry on top” of your Eat What You Want day! Although it is loaded with calories, it is amazingly divine! Follow the recipe here:

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Spanglish post for the Cinco de Mayo fiesta!

Alright, I´m not sure if I told you this before, but I took several Spanish classes in High School. So this time, since Cinco de Mayo is just two days away, I´m going to put my bilingual skills in practice and write this article in Spanish. I´ll provide English translations in the recipe section so I don´t exclude anyone from trying this delicious 100% Mexican dish! We´ll see how it goes…

Comida con mucha sazón, bailes folclóricos y coloridos atuendos caracterizan las fiestas dedicadas al Cinco de Mayo. Más que una fecha, el Cinco de Mayo es un día en el que los mexicanos celebran su cultura y patrimonio.  Con orgullo nacionalista, cientos de mexicanos que viven en los Estados Unidos salen a celebrar con sus familias, amigos y conocidos el orgullo de ser mexicanos.

Pedro, mi amigo Mexicano, me ha contado acerca de la importancia de esta fecha. Según Pedro, el Cinco de Mayo conmemora el aniversario de la victoria de México contra las fuerzas Francesas en la Batalla de Puebla, la cual se llevó a cabo un 5 de mayo de 1862. Son ya 151 años desde que este importante suceso aconteció, y es por ello la alegría y el sentimiento de fiesta con el que tantos mexicanos le celebran.

En lo personal, a mí me encanta la cultura hispana. Es alegre, fiestera y muy familiar. Siendo amiga de Pedro por ya varios años, he logrado conocer un poco de su cultura y siempre que le visito me hace sentir como en casa. Hace un par de días Sandra, su esposa, me invitó a mí y a mi familia a cenar y celebrar anticipadamente el Cinco de Mayo. Hizo las enchiladas verdes más deliciosas que he probado en mi vida! Honestamente, ningún restaurante se le compara. Sandra sabe de mi blog así que inmediatamente me ofreció pasarme la receta, la cual obtuvo del blog Qué Rica Vida, y yo con gusto acepté:

Enchiladas Verdes
(Green Chicken Enchiladas)
  • 8 tortillas de maíz (8 corn tortillas)
  • 1 1/2 tazas de pollo desmenuzado y cocinado (1 ½ cups of boiled chicken, shredded)
  • 1 3/4 tazas de salsa de tomatillo verde (1 ¾ cups of Green tomatillo sauce)
  • 1 taza de queso manchego, rallado (1 cup of manchego cheese, shredded)
  • 1/4 taza de crema (1/4 cup of sour cream)
  • 1/2 taza de cebolla finamente picada (1/2 cup of chopped onion)
  • Hojas de cilantro, opcional (cilantro leaves, optional)
  • Lascas de aguacate, optional (Avocado slices, optional)
  • Precalienta el horno a 350° F. Envuelve 4 tortillas a la vez en papel toalla y caliéntalas en el microondas por 20 ó 30 segundos. (Preheat the oven at 350º F. Wrap all tortillas between two paper towels and microwave for 20 to 30 seconds).
  • Con una cuchara, extiende el pollo en el centro de cada tortilla. Dobla los lados y enróllalas. Ponlas en un molde cuadrado, de 9 pulgadas, y coloca la salsa sobre las enchiladas. Espolvorea queso y vierte la crema y la cebolla. (Spoon enough shredded chicken on each tortilla. Fold over filling. Place enchiladas in a 9 inch square pan and top them with green tomatillo sauce, manchego cheese, sour cream and chopped onion).
  • Hornea sin cubrir el molde durante 15 minutos o hasta que estén bien calientes. (Bake for 15 minutes without covering the pan or until enchiladas are very hot).
  • Espolvorea el cilantro. Decora con lascas de aguacate. Sirve inmediatamente. (Garnish with cilantro. Decorate with avocado slices. Serve immediately).